Shandy Arguelles, J.D.

Certified Post-Divorce Empowerment Coach

I’m the divorce attorney that believes in relationships.


Relationships are not only essential to the human experience, but they are the foundation for success in every area of our life.


I am a mom of 2 kids and I have 4 step-children that I love as my own.  Our family is large, diverse, and growing. 

We all do relationships every day.  

In my divorce practice, I have been privileged to get an inside view into the homes and marriages of hundreds of clients.  I’ve learned about their relationships and family dynamics.  I’ve heard about their grievances, their regrets, the reasons for their trade-offs in life and marriage, stories about time wasted, dreams and passions that get suffocated.  Somewhere along the way, people get lost, unhappy, and are unfulfilled.  Life events continue to unfold and divorce happens.  And divorce is a catalyst for change. 

When I first started my divorce practice, I was wary that the work would be depressing.  To my surprise, I found that although divorce is hard and can be life-changing, many people express relief (at least surface-level).  I maintain a practice with high ethical standards in return, the work has been immensely rewarding. 


After a family tragedy in 2019, I felt compelled to help the women that I serve in a different way.  Divorce brings on a myriad of emotions that most people find difficult to navigate.  Ever present is fear of the unknown, regret for actions or inactions in the past, and/or a crippling realization that our vision for the future was misaligned.  We get stuck.

I transitioned into coaching to empower and motivate women. 

Today, I help women (and sometimes men) achieve the peace of mind so desperately needed after divorce.  As their emotional health, confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth improve all areas of their life follow suit. 


Many people believe that the key to moving on from divorce is a matter of time.  

But, waiting on time implies that you cannot do anything about your situation – and that is simply not true.

The key to moving on from your divorce is not time.

The key to moving on is managing your thoughts about it.

I received my Life-Coach Certification from the Life Coach School.  Using the tools from my training along with my education and extensive experience, I can help you gain the clarity you need in order to identify and release limiting beliefs that are holding you back so you can let go, truly move on, and feel happy again.

Discover and deepen your relationship with yourself and be excited about your future. 

You deserve to feel happy, confident, and loved. 

I will show you the way.